Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Small Office Success Building Tactics - Don't Work Too Hard At MLM

The following set of tactics and rules are designed to be instrumental in establishing the right frame of mind in the market place. They are a guide to running your business from home while continuing your 9 to 5, just over broke work situation. The time requirements in starting and running a business are demanding and you will not make a "real" living by putting in 2 to 3 hours a month marketing an affiliate based program unless you have a "real" amount of money to put into play.

The true home office person works a normal job; she has responsibilities and very little free time to commit to a business that isn't making any income. This is the hook that thousands of on-line lead marketing companies use to get us to chase after the bait of money for doing nothing. A small fee is paid and tons of leads are dropped into our personal funnel system and out comes a flood of money.

You will not get rich quick.

Although it does happen. Getting rich over night is like getting hit by lightning. It happens but is very unlikely. If you want to get rich quick. Buy lottery tickets. You can purchase them on line from your official state website or visit a local grocery store and purchase them off line. I am serious. Anyone that is reading this and wants to get rich quick will have a better chance at winning the lottery. This rule is very important. Don't expect to get rich quick using any of my tactics or suggestions.

Work Hard At Something.

This is too easy. You already work too hard at MLM. You already work to hard to please your family. You already work too hard for your boss. This rule is exciting to me. Work hard at something you like.

Find your passion and work hard to communicate that passion to others. People surf the net looking for information about topics that are of interest to them. They will read your content if you target it to them.

Know your prospect.

At this point, you know you will not get rich quick and will be working hard at something that excites you. Your passion for the subject matter is unquestionable. But, who will be interested in reading your website message?

Get to know your prospect. Determine their gender, age, occupation, hobbies, all or anything about the prospective visitor that would be interested in your message.

This is where many of us fail to plan. It seems too large of a task. It is not. Start with what you know and add or subtract as you market to your prospect profile. The profile is important and this is why. Marketing to a person or profile gives you the abilities to avoid getting your message in front of people that do not have an interest in it. As you look for places to market, you can avoid wasting money and time and target your efforts to your profile. You can change your profile based on your responses and get better at hitting the mark.

K-Mart and Sears are copyright trade marks. These companies use surveys to adjust their prospect profiles. They want to know who are their customers, where they live, their occupation, number of kids, what car they drive, what level of education and a host of other factors.

You have your passion for the subject matter. What is your age, gender, and hobbies? Start with what you know and add or subtract as you move forward. This rule will help you save time and money, build a prospect profile and market to that specific profile.

Your most wanted response.

You want to establish what you want from your prospects. Keep in mind you don't want to sell them anything. Some of us do have our own products to sell on line. If you do, keep an open mind while reading the next few paragraphs.

The job of the MLM affiliate is to bring prospects to your affiliate website with an open mind toward the product that is being offered. Most of us shoppers, do not see the immediate benefits of the product. We need to be educated. We surf for information so we can be an educated consumer. I don't want to be sold the product or service by you. I want you to influence me by providing the information I am seeking. If your information is good and your passion for the topic is true, I may be inclined to check out your recommendations.

You business partner is a genius at selling. His site has all the details and is ready to close the sale. You don't have to rewrite copy or try to convince your prospects of the value of the product. They are, like you, already interested in the topic. They have been educated and are in a ready state of mind. Let the affiliate site sell them the product.

You most wanted response is going to be a simple click to your affiliate website. Send them there from your website. This rule is going to sound old, you must have your own website to establish yourself. Even if your website just redirects your prospects to your affiliate site.