Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Network Marketing - Understanding the Source of Attraction

Attraction marketing is a method that has been in the business world for decades and it has never been publicized in network marketing. The reasons being that you are not able to duplicate according to many old school network marketers.

No wonder 99% of the people in this industry ever achieve a full time income. If you continue to ignore this method and really on making cold calling and emailing garbage lead you will be part of the 99% I just mentioned. I had a lot of experience with the old school way of network marketing and I knew right away that it wasn't for me.

I was very fortunate to learn and develop the method of attraction marketing. I began to focus on getting people to come to me instead of me trying to chase them around. You can definitely utilize this concept to become a better network marketer and start having people ask about your business. The problem that many newbies encounter is very simple. They are lead to believe that making the most calls to people they don't know is the best way to explode their business. They are told that putting the business first and hidden your face can duplicate. Well the truth is this is all wrong!

The key to making your business explode is to implement attraction marketing by branding yourself as a leader and building relationships with different people you encounter. Just like these people can learn from you there is a chance that you can learn something from them.

For more information feel free to click on link located in my resources box. Thank you.

The Differences Between Direct Sales and MLM Companies

For those who want to work from home or run their own business, two common ways to do so is through a direct sales business or a multi-level marketing company. Many people use the terms interchangeably, and although they can be similar, they aren't exactly the same thing. So, what is the difference between direct sales and MLM companies? Let's take a closer look to help you understand.

Direct Sales Business

A direct sales business is one in which you can work for an already established company. The company normally sells products or services and they look for representatives to help them do so. This allows an individual to become a representative via their own business and sell the company's products.

This makes it easier for someone to work for themselves without the overhead costs associated with starting a business from scratch. Many times the individual will also be able to sell the products without maintaining an inventory. This saves the rep money as well because there is no need to house the products yourself or pay for storage.

The company will already have packages set up that include product samples, promotional material and more for the representative to use. A good direct sales company will also provide training and other resources to help the business owner grow their business. These packages do cost money to purchase but many times it's a one-time fee and the individual will be able to use these items as long as they are working with the company.

You then use the material provided and sell the products of the company. In turn, the company pays you a percentage of all the sales you make. Depending on the company you are working with you might be able to set your own sales price and keep any money left over after you've paid for the items from the company.

For instance, let's say the cost for you to purchase an item is $1. According to the company's policy you are allowed to mark up the sales price to whatever you choose so you sell the item for $2. Once you receive the money from your customer, you pay the direct sales company their dollar and you keep the remaining dollar for yourself.

There are tons of direct sales companies out there that allow someone to start their own business by selling for them. A few common examples, that you may have heard of include, Avon, Tupperware, Home Interiors and Mary Kay.

These companies sell kitchenware, make up and other products but look to expand their company's profits by working with business owners around the world who like the idea of running their own business, but want the security of something already well established.

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Companies

With multi-level marketing companies, it's common to see the same names as you do with direct sales companies. As a matter of fact, most direct sales companies have some form of MLM in their business structure for those interested.

Multi-level marketing is just what its name implies - multi-levels of income potential. Let's use an example to help you understand how it works. You've just signed up with Company X to be a representative and sell their products to others. You've also been offered the opportunity to recruit others to also sell the products.

You book a party and the hostess (we'll call her Susan) decides she would like to sell Company X products as well. You sign Susan up and she becomes a member of your "down line." You will now make money from the sales received from your customers and you'll also make money when Susan sells products as well. Susan can do the same and depending on the company policy, you might be able to make money on sales that Susan's down line creates as well.

Although the terms direct sales and MLM are used interchangeably, they aren't the same thing. The reason is because most direct sales companies do not require their reps to participate in the multi-level aspect of the business. There is more money to be made when an individual chooses to recruit others, but for some that just isn't their cup of tea. Companies realize this and many are just as happy to offer both options to their potential representatives.

Is Network Marketing a Scam? What You Need to Know Before You Join MLM

After being in the home business industry for some time now, I always get the question is network marketing a scam. It's true that there is a huge failure rate in the business, but does that necessarily mean it's a fraud business? Well let's look a little further into the whole situation.

Most people quit, plain and simple. Either because they can't get enough leads or run out of money to support their business. So who's fault is it? The company or the person themselves. In our society today it is easy to point the finger and not take the blame for themselves. That doesn't mean that network marketing is a scam, it just means that they went into something not truly understand what it was.

Also, people come into it as a get rich quick. If you fell for this assumption, please back away now. A lot of people don't get rich quick, even though no other industry in the world has helped create more millionaires than MLM. The point is, you should always expect trial and error. If you continue to persist, there is no way you can fail.

Finally, you have to get proper training on how to run your business. Remember, the words network marketing, which the marketing aspect is rarely touched upon. Calling family and friends is what most people hate to do. Instead, you can acquire the proper training to attract interested prospects to you instead of the other way around.

The marketing aspect is a huge part of the business and unfortunately, is one of the main reason people tend to call network marketing a scam.

No matter what you do in network marketing, always expect a challenge, don't think your going to get rich fast, and get the proper training on marketing.

Of course there is much more to touch on but this should get you going on the right track.

Is There a Global Resorts Scandal Brewing?

If you are looking for an online business, there is no doubt you have stumbled onto Global Resorts Network. There have been many rumors about GRN. It's amazing how many half truths are being told about the company. Considering that Global has been in the travel business for over two decades should give you an indication that the company is not scandalous.

The company specializes in luxury resort vacations around the world. It has two different types of memberships - a three year "gold" membership and a lifetime "platinum" membership. The company touts over 5000 locations in 70 plus countries with members staying in 3-5 star resort accommodations.

Some insinuate that the vacations are bogus. Well, make an online reservation or by telephone to find out how easy it is to make a reservation, whether it be a spur of the moment booking or for a vacation with Global Resorts six months from now, this makes time shares obsolete.

The platinum package is a lifetime membership to a luxury resort vacation club. This membership provides you the opportunity to travel to over 5000 locations in over 70 countries staying in 3 - 5 star resorts.

You'll spend 8 days and 7 nights in a luxury resort for as little as $298.00, and that could be for as many as 6 adults if you book a 2 bedroom. In a 5 star resort, those kinds of prices are unheard of. So if someone asks you about the Global Resorts Network Scam, you can tell them what you know.

What about the business aspect of Global Resorts Network. Again, rumors fly. The compensation plan, perpetual leverage, is the main reason why there is absolutely no scandal here. This is one of the best home based business opportunities available right now.

Network Marketing - Only For the Serious Entrepreneur!

One of the things that intrigue me most about Network Marketing is that there are people who love it to the extreme, and there are people who are frozen with fear at the mere mention of the word.

Those who love it have all the reasons to. It has completely changed their lives, and in most case, these are ordinary people who were behind on their Mortgages or Credit Card payments and were just looking for an extra income, or maybe they had two jobs working 60 - 80 hours per week and was just looking for more time freedom or whatever the case may be, bottom line is that now they have more time and money to spend on themselves and their families.

The Fear Of Network Marketing!

Even with Endorsements by celebrity authors like Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump, there are many people who shudder at the thought of this business. This could be from a number of reasons.

From my experience, the main reason is the idea that it might be a pyramid scheme. We all have been duped before or we know of someone who has been. I personally lost over $23k before I became a successful network marketer, so because of this they become skeptical and totally closed minded to the endless possibilities with Network Marketing. Now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being skeptical, in fact I think that a little skepticism is healthy, that way you will do your due diligence, but to be completely closed minded is another thing.

Do's and Don'ts

The other huge reason why I think people are nervous about starting in this business is caused by a few bad apples with some bad practices that are giving the industry a bad name. There are some things you just don't do:

• Never tell a prospect that it's easy, because its not. It may be simple but if it was easy everyone would be successful, so people come here with the wrong expectation thinking that they are going to make $30k per month next month. So they join up having no idea of the level of commitment that is necessary to be successful here.
• Never pester or force someone to join your opportunity. If it is a friend they wont be your friend for long besides, this makes you sound desperate and people don't join desperate, they join leaders.
• Always communicate and follow up with someone who has just joined your team, they are your responsibility. Make sure you provide leadership and proper training for them even if you have to pass them to your upline, but don't abandon them after you have collected their money.

So the bottom line is if you are serious entrepreneur, then Network Marketing is a great opportunity than can take you places you could never have imagined.