Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Is Network Marketing a Scam? What You Need to Know Before You Join MLM

After being in the home business industry for some time now, I always get the question is network marketing a scam. It's true that there is a huge failure rate in the business, but does that necessarily mean it's a fraud business? Well let's look a little further into the whole situation.

Most people quit, plain and simple. Either because they can't get enough leads or run out of money to support their business. So who's fault is it? The company or the person themselves. In our society today it is easy to point the finger and not take the blame for themselves. That doesn't mean that network marketing is a scam, it just means that they went into something not truly understand what it was.

Also, people come into it as a get rich quick. If you fell for this assumption, please back away now. A lot of people don't get rich quick, even though no other industry in the world has helped create more millionaires than MLM. The point is, you should always expect trial and error. If you continue to persist, there is no way you can fail.

Finally, you have to get proper training on how to run your business. Remember, the words network marketing, which the marketing aspect is rarely touched upon. Calling family and friends is what most people hate to do. Instead, you can acquire the proper training to attract interested prospects to you instead of the other way around.

The marketing aspect is a huge part of the business and unfortunately, is one of the main reason people tend to call network marketing a scam.

No matter what you do in network marketing, always expect a challenge, don't think your going to get rich fast, and get the proper training on marketing.

Of course there is much more to touch on but this should get you going on the right track.

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