Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Network Marketing - Only For the Serious Entrepreneur!

One of the things that intrigue me most about Network Marketing is that there are people who love it to the extreme, and there are people who are frozen with fear at the mere mention of the word.

Those who love it have all the reasons to. It has completely changed their lives, and in most case, these are ordinary people who were behind on their Mortgages or Credit Card payments and were just looking for an extra income, or maybe they had two jobs working 60 - 80 hours per week and was just looking for more time freedom or whatever the case may be, bottom line is that now they have more time and money to spend on themselves and their families.

The Fear Of Network Marketing!

Even with Endorsements by celebrity authors like Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump, there are many people who shudder at the thought of this business. This could be from a number of reasons.

From my experience, the main reason is the idea that it might be a pyramid scheme. We all have been duped before or we know of someone who has been. I personally lost over $23k before I became a successful network marketer, so because of this they become skeptical and totally closed minded to the endless possibilities with Network Marketing. Now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being skeptical, in fact I think that a little skepticism is healthy, that way you will do your due diligence, but to be completely closed minded is another thing.

Do's and Don'ts

The other huge reason why I think people are nervous about starting in this business is caused by a few bad apples with some bad practices that are giving the industry a bad name. There are some things you just don't do:

• Never tell a prospect that it's easy, because its not. It may be simple but if it was easy everyone would be successful, so people come here with the wrong expectation thinking that they are going to make $30k per month next month. So they join up having no idea of the level of commitment that is necessary to be successful here.
• Never pester or force someone to join your opportunity. If it is a friend they wont be your friend for long besides, this makes you sound desperate and people don't join desperate, they join leaders.
• Always communicate and follow up with someone who has just joined your team, they are your responsibility. Make sure you provide leadership and proper training for them even if you have to pass them to your upline, but don't abandon them after you have collected their money.

So the bottom line is if you are serious entrepreneur, then Network Marketing is a great opportunity than can take you places you could never have imagined.

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