Many people are interested in how to make money writing, especially seeing as you don't need any prior experience and it's an easy way to get started making some extra money from home. In fact many people go on to give up their day jobs and earn a full time income working from home as a freelance writer.
You might be mistaken by thinking that you need to have a degree in English to work as a writer. That's not so. In fact as long as you have basically good English with reasonable spelling and grammar then you can make a lot of money writing online.
The only tools you will need are your brain and a computer with Internet access. You don't need any money to get started either. Many writers once they gain some experience and an established client base can command as much as $50 or more per hour so it can be a very lucrative business.
Writing is one particular job that will never be affected by the recession. Content is always needed - articles, reports, ebooks, blog posts and sales copy are just a few of the writing opportunities available. Webmasters all over the net are constantly outsourcing their writing needs to ordinary people like you and me.
If you want to know how to make money writing at home there are many books and online programs available that can teach you how to get started. With the right information you could be earning hundreds of dollars a week very quickly.