There are a thousand websites, books, articles, and magazines about working from home online. Many of them are fairly generalized, and can leave you wondering what work from home opportunities really are. Start here - they are not a job.
Work from home opportunities are great ways to make money online. They typically carry a high success rate for those that put in the time and effort to make them work. After a couple of years of working regularly, you can begin slacking off and earn that residual income everyone talks about.
The important thing to remember about work from home opportunities is that you are not being given a job. You may be given a title, a product or service, even a website-but not employment. Typically you make your money by earning commission on products or subscription services. You may also make money through bonuses earned by helping others get started in the opportunity.
For all intents and purposes, however, you will be an independent contractor. You will be responsible for your own taxes and your own finances. You may receive training, mentoring, and even sales materials. But in the end, you are in business for yourself, which is why these opportunities are so successful.
Be prepared to invest a little bit of money, however. Most work from home opportunities require a small investment, anywhere from fifty to five hundred dollars, or more. These start up fees can be compared to franchise fees-you are paying for the right to sell certain products and/or services under the company name. In most cases at least one website and a few tools to get you started will also be included in these initial fees.
Do not let this investment scare you off. You are much more likely to make money with work from home opportunities than you are as a freelancer. In fact, you could make much more money, and in the end work much less.
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