Monday, August 28, 2006

Preparing for a computer crashes

For many of us losing all of our information due to a computer crash would be the worst and devastating thing that could ever happen, not to mention if this would happen to any business owner. But the good news is that preventing the potential disasters of unexpected data loss is as easy as storing important information in multiple areas.

To help you not to lose your important data, we'll:

Show you the different options you have at your disposal to back-up your data.

Issue a list of tips to help keep your data continuously safe and sound.

Most of us don't realize how vulnerable our data -- or our midterm thesis, for example -- is until we lose it. But if you keep a backup copy of your work, you'll be able to stop losing sleep over the fear of hardware failure. Backing up data on a regular basis ensures that personal documents, photos of "Kodak moments" and other important files are secure in the event of a technology crash. Follow these quick back up tips and you'll be able to rest easily.

Backup Methods

The most basic method of backup uses software that will copy requested information to a different part of the hard drive for safe-keeping. Unfortunately, when this hard drive fails, both instances of the data may be lost. More advanced software will transfer requested data to a separate type of media (ex. CD/DVD, external hard drive, USB flash drive, Mirra). For even greater security, store this backup media in a different room or building. Online backup, also known as "cloud" backup, securely copies data through the Internet, to be kept on secure storage areas. With authentication (username and password), this data can be retrieved through the web at any time.

Backup Recommendations Create a checklist

Determine which files and folders should be saved. Ensure that the most important files are backed up first. The My Documents folder, commonly found on the Windows desktop, usually contains personal photos, music, videos and office documents. You can also locate My Documents by clicking on the Start button.

Create a schedule

Depending on how often your information is modified or added to, repetition is important. Consumers may want to backup important information once a week. Small businesses may require daily backups. Most software backup solutions can be programmed with a consistent backup calendar.