Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Be Your Own Boss With Network Marketing

Do you dream about being your own boss? This is a very real possibility today for almost anyone no matter where they live in the world. The reason for this is the internet. Another reason is using the internet to start your own network marketing business and run it out of your home.

Being your own boss is not for everyone however. Here are a few pros and cons of being your own boss in network marketing.

1. Not everyone is self motivated. If you are the type of person who needs a boss to tell you what to do you will have trouble getting up and going to work for yourself. On the other hand if you thrive on independence and are very goal oriented being your own boss is a great idea. Building a successful network marketing business is a challenge that when you have done it can reward you by being your own boss.

2. Some people can not deal with the ups and downs of an income without a job. Payday is not always going to be every Friday at first. Unless you have a large bank account to tide you over until you have a steady income coming in this can be tough for some people. On the flip side you can start your own network marketing business part time and build it up until you can replace your income from your job.

3. What is your computer skill level? Having some computer savvy is a must in todays business world. If you want to build a world class business you need to know how to do internet marketing. The nice thing is it is not rocket science. Once you get a system of creating leads and getting traffic to your website or blog the internet will become your biggest lead generator.

4. Some people have trouble being their own boss because of the distractions working at home can bring. It is imperative that you set office hours and if you can set up an office where you work. When you are in there you are at work and must keep any outside interference to a minimum.

On the bright side you get to set your own schedule. If you want to go to your kid's ballgame you can. If you want to take a 4 day weekend you do need permission. To be your own boss with network marketing is a dream come true for many people and you can be one of them.