Friday, February 08, 2008

Essential Office Equipment for a Home Business

You’ve come up with a name for your business, and you’ve laid out a business plan. Now, its time to put together your home office. Many people just starting out spend too much money on their office equipment. A good home office is not only cost effective, it’s space saving.

The first piece of office equipment you will need, no matter what home business you may be establishing, is a desk. Yard sales or second hand stores can offer you a great product for a low price. It may not be the best on the market, but you can invest in the high end office furniture when you hit it big and have the money to waste. Starting out you need inexpensive and functional.

The next piece of essential office equipment is a printer. There are some nice, compact models on the market today that do a multitude of work at a small price. These all-in-one systems will print (usually with both black ink and color ink), they will fax, they will scan, and they will copy. The biggest downfall of these is that they can be slow.

If the business will be paper heavy, and you will be making lots of copies or doing a large amount of printing, then you may need to invest in a stand alone printer. Instead of leasing a new one (and throwing money away in the process), you can usually find some discounted ones at a used office equipment store.

The final piece of office equipment that most every business can utilize is a computer. Here is where the eyes can be much bigger than the checkbook. Get a computer that has the memory you need and will do the functions you want for your business. Spending extra money to get all the bells and whistles – which you probably won’t have the time to use while you start up a new business – is just more money down the drain.